Clarification of Symptom Sources

Newsletter #1

January 14, 2011

I want to clarify some of the symptoms experienced by the people that are suffering from this condition. Although originally I believed that I was being bitten, the evidence so far clearly shows that this is not the case. There are two sets of symptoms from different sources.

The first set of symptoms comes from the Collembola insect. One of the symptoms is the crawling sensation which has recently been documented as being attributed to the Collembola insect. We know this because not only did I submit specimens to the Vector Control of my local health department, but many others have acquired specimens based on my instructions as well (get a specimen). Not only does this confirm that an insect is involved, but the insect specialists have analyzed the specimens and found no physical parts that could sting or bite. One anomaly is finding this insect inside a house or structure that does not have any sort of drainage, mold, or humidity problems. This may be due to some sort of genetic modification of this insect.

The insects appear to only be capable of chewing, which fits the Collembola’s natural purpose which is to chew decaying leaves and fungus. However, a as a decomposer, this insect actually injects a digestive enzyme into what it would normally eat, in this case the skin which begins to break down the skin. This may be responsible for sores and lesions found on more severe cases. This explains why this condition affects some people in an environment and not others. The skin’s vulnerability to this digestive enzyme may correlate directly to the thickness and toughness of the skin. Based on human anatomy, females have more delicate and thinner skin than males as well infants and children. The elderly also have a thinner skin.

We have found a medical mycologist who has unknowing come to the same conclusions about Collembola. Here is a quote from his site:

“The professor interestingly notes that 80% of the reported population sample consist of females. He suggests the reason may be females skin is more sensitive, that the Collembola may have an attraction to hormones or even possibly perfumes or other scents.”

I now believe the second set of symptoms comes from the fungus infecting the body internally, specifically spreading through the nervous system. This is similar to the way the Herpes virus affects the nerves and causes lesions to erupt through the skin at the affected nerve endings. This may be why digestive parasite cleanses do not reach the fungus infection. I believe the fungus may be genetically modified possibly bio-engineered. It appears the Collembola may be spreading the fungus as well as feeding on it. Before discovering the Collembola secretes digestive enzymes, it was hard to understand how the fungus was entering the body. I no longer think it is a pheromone being created by the body that attracts the insect. I now believe it is the fungus growing out of the skin which attracts the bug like a gourmet food.

Here is another quote from the medical mycologist:

“The professor states "The Collembola were showing up in our medical mycology reseach lab studies on a regular basis and are found to be active in wet or damp human habitations and are associated with a presence of fungal mold. Eliminating the fungal mold and causation of its presence often results in the riddance of the Collembola" When asked why are they contemporaneous he says "Fungi are a delicacy and these bugs are gourmets!" "  Prof MJ Dumanow

I believe the pin-pricking and biting sensation is the result of the Collembola spitting digestive enzyme onto the skin. The delay in the crawling sensation and the pin-pricking may be due to the length of time required for the enzyme to actually break through the skin. This is why I used Arbonne body wash because most other soaps (sulfur, enzymes, etc) strip away the protective mantle normally produced by the skin to form a barrier against invading microbes, infections and probably digestive enzymes. The Arbonne researchers state that this protective layer takes up to 24 hours to be replaced by the body during which time the skin is left open to invading micros, bacteria, fungus. This protective layer may also provide some protection from the digestive enzyme the Collembola is using to break down the skin. It would make sense that once the skin is broken, the fungus can easily enter the body. Diet may play a major role in either the body protecting itself from the fungus or encouraging its growth.

On a more positive note, I think that it is encouraging that a renowned specialist in identifying environmental induced illness has confirmed that most of those told they have a psychological illness have been misdiagnosed. Here is the quote from the medical mycologist’s site:

“2004 findings reported in the Journal of the New York Entomological Association support the professor's recent disclosure indicating that many of these humans certainly do have something in and on their skin and it's called - Collembola. In 90% percent of those who participated in the reported study were found to have Collembola. All of study participants had been diagnosed with delusory parasitosis, a presumed psychiatric condition among people who believe they are infested with an insect or parasite. Happily the findings support the argument of many patients that they "actually have something crawling on or under their skin and they are not delusional," "

I will continue to work at discovering the source of this scourge and continue my work to enlighten the medical industry so that this condition may be recognized and treatment may someday be covered by insurance.

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Prayers for your healing,


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