Newsletter 2015
I have been made aware, by numerous emails from victims, that Arbonne discontinued selling the SPF 30 Sunscreen for body product number #950. This is very big concern since after careful analysis the Arbonne replacement SPF 30 for body does not have the same ingredients so there is no way of knowing without trial and error if it can do the same job. I have had 1 person tell me it did not work but I do not know if they applied it correctly, which you all know is critical. I am sending this notice out because I have not had a chance to update my website about this. I hope to get help with that shortly.
However don’t panic , remember that the ONLY job the old Arbonne SPF 30 sunscreen for body did was protection from bugs bothering you while in the process of getting rid of them with the fogging and also providing a layer that protected from re-infection when touching things infected with the fungus.
As mentioned on my site, the original SPF 30 was only used as a sort of a hazmat suit. By that I mean it was a good safety measure when entering an infested area or touching infected things or not wanting to infect others. It was not used for getting rid of the fungus or Collembola but was a safety measure during the process. The Cotz SPF 58 can and does doe the same thing as far as protecting and I have always recommended that on the face with the old Arbonne SPF 30 on the rest of the body as a hazmat suit. However Cotz is very impractical (stains everything) and expensive to use for the whole body as a hazmat suit.
BTW: Remember to cut open the flat end of the Cotz tube when you think it is empty. There is a lot left in the tube for you to use if you do this and then fold the cut end over with a close pin or paperclip to keep it from drying out. You can keep cutting it shorter and shorter to reach what is left in it.
I am grateful the Arbonne Bodywash (soap) that is so critical is still available. Arbonne has also discontinued the Glow With It which is really disappointing since it now has positively shown to heal the residual itching from the fungus damage without resurrecting the fungus if any is still present in the skin. In lots of lots of cases it has been what finally stopped the last of the symptoms.
It may convince the company to bring these 2 products back if all of you send a letter to Arbonne asking for the Glow With It #955 and SPF 30 sunscreen product number #950 be put back on the sale. Please do not make any medical claims in your letter since that is a touchy subject with the AMA and FDA that can be misinterpreted since legally there can be NO medical claims for these products. Saying that can only serve to hurt my site and prevent getting the products back. Just say you had great results with a skin condition you are suffering from and want to buy it again. You can say you found the products extremely beneficial because they are. Last week Arbonne sent out a notice to everyone in the company that people using the new SPF 30 formula don’t like it as well so even sunscreen users are complaining... so there is hope. I am begging everyone receiving this letter to please do this even if you are over it. Do it for those who are still struggling and need it and for those yet to come.
I am somewhat encouraged that the NEW Arbonne face sunscreen # 8915 main ingredients are the same as the Cotz and may work the same way. This new Arbonne face sunscreen has the same main active ingredients as Cotz but instead of the 10% titanium dioxide 3% zinc it has 1.7% titanium dioxide and 4.4% zinc. It is possible it may be helpful but someone willing to experiment with an active case of the fungus/collemobola needs to try it and let me know so I can let others know. If it does work, then it definitely can replace the Arbonne SPF 30 because Cotz also protects along with helping suffocate the fungus so this new Arbonne face sunscreen may be an improvement even over Cotz if it costs less and does not stain like Cotz. I suspect that due to a reduced strength it may not be as strong as Cotz for the topical fungus treatment over Cats Claw but it almost certainly could be useful in replacement of the SPF 30.
I would also suggest for those of you who were using the discontinued SPF30 sunscreen that you substitute the Arbonne bodywash in place of the sunscreen for now if you don’t want to try the new face sunscreen number 8915. What I mean by that is, re-applying the body wash as a thin film after the shower and leaving it on and letting it dry. In other words, applying it with wet hands as a thin even film left on when there is need to be protected or to protect others. The bodywash and discontinued Arbonne sunscreen did have some common ingredients so this is worth a try. I really do not like to recommend any products that have not passed the test of at least 12 people getting positive results so this loss is challenging. My entire purpose for my website was to prevent others from having to experiment and waste time and money. I only have what works on my site in the treatment protocol. I do not know the result of leaving the bodywash on for extended periods since it is not made for that. I did use it as a coating when I ran out of the sunscreen when I was a victim but not for long periods since it was just until the sunscreen arrived.
Until the environment is cleared by daily fogging and getting rid of infected items that can’t be cleared, it is very important to keep the bugs off to keep them from re-infecting you. To keep the bugs off until you clear your environment and clear the attracting fungus from your skin, you can use spot fogging for 1 or 2 seconds in an area before you go into it. NOTE *Please try not to breath the fog since it can eventually irritate your lung tissue and if you get a sensitivity to it and can no longer use it, you will be in trouble. You can also use Now Brand peppermint oil (the cheapest strongest quality one I know of) on your clothing, feet, hair, etc that will repel bugs as long as it smells. Also burning candles and incense scares bugs and keeps them away from where you must sit for prolonged periods if you are home.
So in review I am suggesting three replacement strategies for the discontinued SPF 30:
- To protect from fungus re-infection: Reapplying Arbonne body wash and or trying the new Arbonne SPF 30 Face sunscreen # 8915
- To repel bugs: Use Now Peppermint oil on your clothing, shoes, and hair and reapplying when it no longer smells or Spot fogging area before you enter (can be just creating a faint cedar smell so you are not breathing it).
Dealing with infected feet
Almost everyone who contacts me has the fungus on their scalp and feet. Shoes are a problem because they hold in heat and moisture; just what the fungus loves. The Crocs or other rubber shoes are maybe easier to disinfect but they do tend to create sweating and that is counterproductive. Remember dehydration is what kills fungus and moist heat makes it grow. I realized a simple easy to soak and dry shoe might be what are called a Tai Chi slippers or shoes. I have linked these to Amazon so you can see what they are. They make them for men and women. You might be able to find them locally. They are thin cotton with a rubber sole and they would soak and dry faster than any other cloth shoe and may breathe better than tennis shoes although they do not have cushioned foot bed. Just a suggestion if you are looking for a cheap shoe during the process of getting over this and you need to treat what you wear each time. Spraying any shoes with rubbing alcohol including Croc’s and flip flops is not working to clear them. These need to be also soaked for an hour like the rest of the laundry and linens to be certain they are disinfected.
I just received the golden news that there is a bleach that is working for everyong found at the CVS drug store chain. The brand is Total Home. This is good news since so far all the "New Concentrated" bleaches, which now is most of them, do not work at all.
I wanted to remind everyone that if you are not actively using your fogger to clean it out to store it. You can run warm soapy water through it to clean it for storage or if you have been using it for many months it may also require this as maintenance. One person from Hong Kong asked me to include her email about foggers for other countries with different power sources. See below: From Hong Kong
“If possible, pls mention in your coming newsletter that there are 110V and 240V fogger for selection. People who wants to order it need tell Cedarside which one they need as otherwise, the fogger would break down and they have to buy another one again. Money is not the most important issue, time is. Like us, we had lost a week's time to fog and we have to use longer time to eradicate the problem. And now, it seems the result is not as good as we first fogged”.
I recently watched an 11 hr special called the Truth About Cancer for my other consulting work where all the leading doctors (MD’s) doing new treatments were interviewed. I was amazed to see that everything they were saying that was considered groundbreaking in the series was already in my book You’re Not Fat You’re Swollen that takes only about an hour to read. The revolutionary news was what I have been saying and teaching about cancer for the last 50 yrs.
I wrote down names of these brave and cutting edge doctors that seemed to be interested in all kinds of innovative research. I will be writing them and asking if they will research this fungus. We shall see. At least they had grown past the pill and bill insanity that most MD’s are doing where they do no diagnosing at all only prescribing with you as a guinea pig. The let’s try this and see what happens to you MO.
I still hear some are trying to wear polyester which I have not recommended for many years. Fabrics that allow skin to breathe and airflow against the skin are preferable even though the cloth is more easily infected. Fabrics that do not breathe make the fungus worse as well as any tight clothing. You know this because you will see that except for your head, crotch and feet that are hotter and sweat more, the places the fungus tends to grow are in areas where sweat is held against the body like straps, waistbands and where there is elastic against the skin. Until you are over this, try to wear loose clothing and clothing that allows air against your skin especially where you have the active infection. You have to treat cotton or linen after each use, but then you should do that with any clothing. At least with fabrics that breathe you are not increasing your problem. Also be aware of sitting or sleeping against plastic. There needs to be air flow so even though it is cloth you will need to treat, ALWAYS have something that allows air between the plastic and your skin like a mattress pad thick towel etc. This applies to your air mattress, un-upholstered chair, car seat and head rest as well.
Here are some great tips from woman that now helps me with the newsletters that I helped get well. I think they are worth including here:
"for chairs...plain plastic or metal is best. Even my plain wood chairs had to be treated for fungus a hundred times altho they were always in the room when I fogged, because the wood really absorbs fungus and the seams can be hiding places for mites.
I tried many things to clear my wood chairs of fungus, including a PCO/water spray, but what worked best is the Dawn Blue Ultra dish soap mixed in water in a spray bottle and scrubbed on the wood. I had to do it regularly for a while.
For a temporary mattress with extra easy handling, people can buy a beach float mattress...the deluxe type with a built-in pillow, and use it on the floor as a bed. These can be washed daily with the Dawn dish soap and water, fogged, sprayed with rubbing alcohol, or whatever it takes to have a bug-free bed!
The microfiber sheets you recommended worked really well, altho I eventually stopped using sheets and instead just rolled up like a taco in an acrylic blanket which was perfect, and could be fogged 6 nights a week before bedtime and then PCO soaked on the 7th day.
(Please note that I believe the Dawn dish soap has very toxic chemicals in it) Megan
If you are not having decreased symptoms on daily basis in both environment and skin then there is definitely something being done wrong in the protocol? I know this not only from the feedback from those who have been helped, but also with my own experience of being re-infected and getting over it again and again in the beginning of my own healing back in 2008.
And yes to answer the most common question. I am well and working many jobs so I have my life back other than financially. Still digging my way out of that pit.
If anyone has website skills I could really use help with SEO on the website. The most common complaint I get is how it takes (3-4 months) to find me.
My prayers over all of you that you will have your life back and then reach back and help the others.
Kindness is the best religion,